Friday, 21 January 2011

Calin Rosetti (1931-2011)

The International Astronautical Federation is very saddened to note the sudden passing of Dipl. Ing. Calin Rosetti on 17 January 2011 at the age of 79.

Born in Bucharest, Romania in 1931, Rosetti was well-known to many in the IAF.

His cremation service will take place on Friday 28 January at the Cimetière du Montparnasse 3, boulevard Edgar Quinet, Paris 14ème. Those wishing to attend should gather at the main entrance to the cemetary before 14:15.

Condolences may be transmitted to his wife Mrs Annegret Beier-Rosetti, 11 rue Saint-Félicité, 75015 Paris, France


Unknown said...

Calin was a remarkable human being, a great engineer with a special love and interest for aviation and space. With my late husband, Richard Norton, he did a flight around the world in a single engine airplane in 1987. The flight of the Arctic Tern broke 19 world aviation records. Dick was the professional pilot and Calin the skilled engineer and together they managed what others were not able to
achieve to this day.

teastojanovska said...
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teastojanovska said...

I had just found out about this story a few days ago. His wife came to an exhibiton in the gallery where i work. She is a lovely person, and the story about her husband is amazing.
She will be visiting the gallery tomorrow again.